Degeneracy Effects of Energy loss Straggling of Homo and Hetero Di-Cluster Ions


  • Nadher A. Salman Department of physics, college of education, Mustansiriyah University, IRAQ
  • Khalid A. Ahmed Department of physics, college of education, Mustansiriyah University, IRAQ
  • Baida M. Ahmed Department of physics, college of education, Mustansiriyah University, IRAQ



Straggling, plasma degeneracy, Dielectric function, exact calculation, Fermi level


The energy loss straggling is obtained from an exact quantum mechanical evaluation, which takes into account the degeneracy of the target plasma, and later it is compared with common classical and degeneracy approximation as a function of incident Homo (H-H, He-He) and Hetero (He-H) di-cluster energy in Kev with different kinds of plasma target. For homonuclear di-clusters (H-H) and (He-He) decreasing temperature, the exact calculation approaches the high degeneracy limit, but the differences are still significant. However, as the temperature rises, the exact result approaches the classical limit. Finally, the energy loss straggling increases with the increasing atomic number of the projectiles (He-He). Our research focuses on targets in the weakly coupled electron gas limit, where we can use the random phase approximation (RPA). This kind of plasma has not been widely researched, considering the fact that it is essential for inertial confinement fusion (ICF).


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How to Cite

N. A. Salman, K. A. Ahmed, and B. M. Ahmed, “Degeneracy Effects of Energy loss Straggling of Homo and Hetero Di-Cluster Ions”, Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 42–47, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.23851/mjs.v32i3.958.

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