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Author Guidelines

Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science (MJS) encourages authors to submit their manuscripts electronically through the journal's website submission system to the editorial team. The journal website:



Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively in English and adhere to proper grammar and terminology. Each manuscript submission should result in the issuance of a single submission ID number. Submitting multiple times for a single manuscript may jeopardize its chances of being considered. Additionally, each manuscript should include a Title Page with the title and author(s)' names and affiliations. Authors are required to use the journal's provided template (MS Word or LaTeX format), which can be downloaded from the following links: MS Word template or LaTeX template


1-1: English Language Writing

All publications in the journal are written in English. Authors whose first language is not English should ensure that their manuscript is written in academic formal English before submission. Please write your text in clear and correct English, whether it follows American usage. Please note that Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science does not provide language and copy-editing services. Therefore, authors who believe their manuscript may require editing to eliminate potential grammatical or spelling errors are encouraged to seek such services before submission. Authors are responsible for covering all costs associated with these services.


1-2: New Submissions

The process of submitting manuscripts to the Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science is entirely conducted online, and authors will receive comprehensive guidance on how to create and upload their manuscript files. As an option, authors may elect to submit their manuscript as a single file to facilitate the peer-review process. This file should ideally be in the form of a Word document (*.docx) or LaTeX ( *.tex) that referees can use for the evaluation of the manuscript. We strongly encourage authors to incorporate all figures and tables directly into the main manuscript file.


1-3: References

Please ensure that your references are listed in a uniform style following the IEEE reference format. Include, where applicable, the author(s) name(s), article title, publication year, journal abbreviation, article/chapter/book title, volume/issue number, and page numbers. We strongly encourage the use of DOI when available. To assist with matching references to DOIs and Pubmed IDs, authors are encouraged to utilize the Crossref Metadata search available at the following link: Crossref simple text query.


1-4: Formatting requirements

In order to effectively communicate the content of your manuscript, it is imperative that all manuscripts encompass the fundamental components. These crucial elements encompass the Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, Conflict of Interest, and References. It is imperative that all figures and tables are integrated and incorporated within the primary manuscript file. To minimize the occurrence of avoidable errors, we strongly recommend that authors utilize both spell-check and grammar-check tools when preparing their manuscripts.


1-5: Manuscript Submission and Declaration

When submitting a manuscript, it is essential for all contributing authors to confirm the authenticity and validity of the work presented. They must also ensure that neither this manuscript nor any substantially similar content authored by them has been previously published or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere, whether electronically or in printed mediums. Furthermore, all authors have reached a consensus to designate the corresponding author as the primary point of contact with the editorial office. This designated author will be responsible for reviewing the edited manuscript and the proofs.


1-6: Manuscript Submission and Verification

Manuscripts must not have been previously published in print or electronic formats, and they should not be concurrently under review by another publication. Authors are required to submit copies of any related or potentially duplicated materials, including those with substantially similar content or utilizing the same data, if they have been previously published or are currently under consideration by another publication, at the time of online submission.



Manuscript literature and tenses should adhere to a specific structure, consisting of eight essential sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and Acknowledgments and References. These sections should be organized within a single file nearly within 8 pages. This structured format ensures clarity and consistency in scholarly communication. It facilitates easy navigation for readers and reviewers, enhancing the overall quality of the manuscript. Authors should be mindful of file size restrictions while preparing their submissions.


2-1: Title Page

The initial page of the manuscript features the article title in uppercase letters. The title must not exceed 25 words and should not include any abbreviations. It should be followed by a single line space, and beneath it, the names of all authors (without degrees) and their corresponding affiliations, along with the email address of the corresponding author. Capitalize the first letter of each name and major word. Ensure that the title, author names, and affiliations are centered within the typing area width.


2-2: Manuscript Title

The title must be concise, without any reference to specific locations, countries, cities, or abbreviations. Keep it simple and avoid technical jargon or vague language, within a 25-word limit.


2-3: Abstract

Create a concise abstract spanning 200 to 350 words at most, outlining the study's objectives, fundamental methodologies, primary discoveries, original contributions, discussions, and key conclusions. Avoid using unexplained abbreviations or references in the abstract.


2-4: Keywords

Please provide 5 keywords that are suitable for indexing. These keywords must not duplicate the words in the manuscript’s title, should be arranged alphabetically, separated by semicolons, and devoid of abbreviations. Ensure that any abbreviations are defined upon initial use and consistently applied throughout the text.


2-5: Introduction

Provide a concise the background of the investigation, incorporating the latest information, and clarify the study's aim. The introduction section of a manuscript in the Al-Mustansiriyh Journal of Science is crucial as it not only orients readers to the research but also serves as a foundation for the scientific discourse that follows. It provides context, establishes the importance of the study, and guides the reader through the manuscript, making it a fundamental element in the communication of scientific findings, like in any reputable scientific journal, holds significant importance for several reasons:

  1. Contextualization: The introduction provides the necessary background and context for the research presented in the manuscript. It sets the stage for readers, ensuring they understand the problem, its significance, and the broader scientific context in which the study is situated.
  2. Research Gap Identification: The introduction helps identify the research gap, emphasizing what is not known or understood in the field. By highlighting this gap, it underscores the originality and importance of the study.
  3. Research Objectives: It clearly outlines the objectives and aims of the research. This section is essential for readers to understand the purpose and goals of the study, which helps them evaluate the relevance of the research to their own work or interests.
  4. Hypotheses or Research Questions: In many scientific manuscripts, the introduction also presents the research hypotheses or questions. This helps readers anticipate what the study aims to investigate and the expected outcomes.
  5. Literature Review: The introduction typically includes a concise review of relevant literature. This literature review not only supports the research's rationale but also demonstrates the authors' knowledge of the field and their ability to position their work within the existing body of knowledge.
  6. Significance and Impact: It outlines the potential contributions of the study to the field of science and the implications for both theory and practical applications. This is critical for readers and reviewers to understand the study's value.
  7. Considerations and Methodology: The introduction may briefly touch on ethical considerations and provide an overview of the research methodology. This gives readers an initial understanding of how the study was conducted and whether it adhered to ethical standards.
  8. Structure of the Manuscript: The introduction often includes a roadmap of the manuscript, outlining the structure and sections that follow. This helps readers navigate the paper and locate specific information of interest.


2-6: Materials and Methods

Please include comprehensive information to facilitate the replication of the experiments. Ensure that metrics and internationally recognized units are consistently employed in this section and throughout the manuscript. Clearly state the computer software utilized for statistical analysis and provide definitions for any statistical terminology, abbreviations, or symbols utilized.


2-7: Results

Clearly present the results and their significance, ensuring that graphs and tables are self-explanatory. Avoid redundancy by refraining from restating data from tables in the text or figures. Number tables and figures in the sequence of their appearance within the text.


2-8: Discussion

Addressing critical reviews and interpretations of the findings is essential, underpinned by the inclusion of pertinent and up-to-date references. It is imperative to steer clear of redundancy in presenting the data. The discourse should culminate with succinct conclusions. In Short Communications, the Results and Discussion sections can be merged.


2-9: Conclusion

This section is intended to emphasize the significant breakthroughs made by the research and articulate the enhanced value of the primary discovery, without the inclusion of any references to prior literature.


2-10: Acknowledgements

Acknowledgments for individuals, grants, financial assistance, and other forms of support should be prominently featured in a dedicated section preceding the reference list. When acknowledging funding organizations, it is essential to spell out their names in full. If the study received financial backing, it is imperative to specify this affiliation within this section. Furthermore, ensure that the grant number associated with any financial support is included for clarity and transparency.


2-11: Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest disclosure should be included within the manuscript in the following manner: "The authors affirm that there are no conflicts of interest pertaining to the publication of this manuscript."


2-12: References

Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science requires a minimum of 25 references to be included in submitted journal papers. The majority (at least 50%) of these references should come from the past five years, with the exact number depending on the paper's length. Authors may be requested to include more up-to-date references during the review process if their current references fall short of this requirement.
All-text citations should be presented in consecutive square brackets (i.e., [ ]), referencing the literature in the order of their initial mention within the manuscript. After the conclusion of the document, a comprehensive list of references should be provided. To abbreviate journal titles appropriately, please consult the List of Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science referencing style, exemplified in the following instances at section 2-13.
Utilizing reference management software is a mandatory requirement for the compilation of your reference list. Please make use of tools like EndNote, Mendeley, or similar software solutions.
Personal communications or unpublished data should be integrated into the text as needed but should not be included in the formal list of references. Our general expectation is to include a minimum of 15 references, with a primary focus on journal papers. The precise number may vary depending on the length and scope of your paper. We strongly encourage the incorporation of recent articles, primarily published within the last five years, in the majority of your citations. It's important to note that citations from textbooks should be sparingly employed, and references to web pages should be avoided altogether. All cited papers must be referenced within the manuscript text.
When citing references, it is imperative to include their Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). This requirement applies unless the references in question do not possess DOIs, such as dissertations, books, reports, etc. Including DOIs enhances the reader's ability to locate the cited documents reliably. Unlike web addresses (URLs), which may change over time, DOIs remain constant and will always refer to the specific article in question.
To obtain the DOI for a reference, you can utilize the following search page:

Each citation should be presented in the order of its appearance in the text, enclosed within square brackets. For instance, the first citation should be denoted as [1], the second as [2], and so forth. When citing multiple sources concurrently, the preferred method is to list each number separately within its own brackets, using a comma or dash to separate numbers, as follows: [1], [3], [5], [4-8], [2][3], and [2][5-7].


2-13: Examples of References

The journal accepts the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) reference style. It is a widely used citation and formatting style for research papers in Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science, articles, and journals in the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, and related disciplines. The IEEE reference style is primarily based on the IEEE Citation Reference Guide. Here's how you would format references in IEEE style:

    1. Journal Article:

      Syntax: Author(s). "Title of the article." Title of the Journal, vol. [volume number], no. [issue number], pp. [page range], [Month] [Year].

      Example: J. K. Author and A. N. Other, "An article title," IEEE Transactions on Something, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 30-45, Jan. 2016.

    2. Conference Paper:

      Syntax: Author(s). "Title of the paper." in Proceedings of the Conference Name, [year], pp. [page range].

      Example: A. B. Presenter, "Title of the paper," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Example, 2020, pp. 100-105.

    3. Book:

      Syntax: Author(s). *Title of the Book*. Publisher, Year.

      Example: J. Doe, *Introduction to Electrical Engineering*. Wiley, 2018.

    4. Book Chapter:

      Syntax: Author(s). "Title of the chapter." in *Title of the Book*, [edition if applicable]. Publisher, Year, pp. [page range]

      Example: S. Smith, "Electromagnetic Waves," in *Fundamentals of Electromagnetism*, 2nd ed. Springer, 2017, pp. 45-67.

    5. Website/Online Source:

      Syntax: Author(s) (if available). "Title of the webpage or document." Website or Source Title, [Online]. Available: URL. [Accessed: Month Day, Year].

      Example: IEEE Reference Guide," IEEE, [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Sep. 15, 2023].

    6. Patent:

      Syntax: Inventor(s). "Title of the patent." Patent Number, Month Day, Year.

      Example:A. Inventor, "Method for Wireless Communication," U.S. Patent 9,876,543, Feb. 15, 2021.

    7. Thesis/Dissertation:

      Syntax: Author. "Title of the thesis/dissertation." Ph.D. dissertation, University Name, Year.

      Example:J. Smith, "Development of Novel Algorithms for Image Processing," Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 2019.

Make sure to follow these guidelines provided by the Al-Mustansiriyah journal of Science in formating article references, as there might be slight variations in citation style. The above examples provide a general idea of how to format references in Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science.


2-14: Tables

Avoid submitting photographs of tables and graphs; instead, provide editable text for tables. Ensure that tables are integrated into the text using the table function, not spreadsheets.
Tables should be incorporated into the text with a clear and logical structure, following consecutive numerical order. Each table should be numbered sequentially (Table 1, 2, 3, etc., or Tables 1a and 1b). Use descriptive subtitles to make each table comprehensible without referring to the text. In the "Text wrapping" settings, select "Around" and ensure the "move with text" checkbox is unchecked.
Include a table caption for each table, explaining its components. If you use previously published material, provide the original source as a reference at the end of the table caption. Limit the number of tables with captions placed above them. Use superscript lower-case letters for footnotes in tables (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data), and place them beneath the table body.


2-15: Figures

Ensure that all illustrations and figures meet high-quality standards, with a resolution of 300-600 dpi. Make certain that figures are clear, appropriately labeled, and sized for legible reproduction within the journal's layout. Figures should be integrated seamlessly into the text, avoiding floating placement.

Here are guidelines for handling figures: Obtain permission to reuse figures, illustrations, and tables from published sources. You can find a helpful procedure guide in this video: (Permission to reuse Figures and Tables).

  1. Provide each figure with a concise and accurate caption, included within the manuscript text.
  2. Start figure captions with the term "Figures" and place them below the respective figures in limited numbers.

  3. Do not include punctuation at the end of the caption.

  4. Clearly identify all elements present in the figure within the caption, and use visual aids like boxes or circles for graph coordinate points.

  5. If the figure contains previously published material, acknowledge the original source with a reference citation at the end of the figure caption.


2.16: Equations:

Authors should utilize the equation editor or MathType when incorporating mathematical equations into their articles within Microsoft Word.


3. Review Articles:

A review article is a specialized form of professional writing demanding a profound level of comprehensive examination and a meticulously structured delivery of arguments. It constitutes a critical and constructive assessment of existing literature within a specific field, accomplished through techniques such as summarization, classification, analysis, and comparison. These analytical, evaluative, and comparative processes necessitate the incorporation of relevant theories, concepts, and research findings pertaining to the subject matter under consideration. When a review article does not introduce novel information, its purpose shifts to offering a response to the works of other authors.
Authors of review articles engage in exhaustive database searches to compile and depict the state of research comprehensively. Their primary objective revolves around summarizing the entirety of the available literature and elucidating the topic with clarity.

Note: Since 2018, the journal has implemented restrictions on accepting and reviewing review articles that pertain to trending topics, specifically limiting submissions to authors with high scientific qualifications, such as Professors and Assistant Professors, with hot topics review.


4. Survey Articles:

A survey article is a type of academic or scholarly publication that provides a comprehensive and organized overview of a specific field of research or topic. It summarizes and synthesizes existing research, theories, and findings to give readers a clear understanding of the current state of knowledge in that area. Survey articles are valuable for researchers, students, and anyone interested in gaining a broad understanding of a particular subject without having to delve into all the individual research papers and studies themselves. They often include citations to the key literature in the field, making it easier for readers to explore specific topics in more depth if they wish.

Note: Since 2018, the journal has chosen not to accept survey articles in both Arabic and English languages for reception and review.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The text is single-spaced; one-columns; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The author(s) must provide a cover letter outlining the impact of his study to the scientific community in terms of achievement outcomes.
  • The author(s) are required to provide the ethics approval statement for biological studies during submission process.
  • For information, you agree that the article license is CC Attribution (CC-BY) (See
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, (download  MS Word template or LaTeX template).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have to be provided. Consider the CrossRef Simple Query Text to check the quality of your references.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in the guidelines of the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • All authors agree to provide their full affiliation, official emails, and full authors names with the corresponding author information, in the manuscript, during submission.
  • After Acceptance, the correspondant author on behalf of the other author(s) accepts to sign a copyright form for transferring the copyright policy.

Privacy Statement

The information provided on this journal site, including names and email addresses, will solely serve the designated purposes of this journal and will remain inaccessible to any other entity or for any other objectives.