Simulation Effect of Stability Classes on SO 2 Concentration in Daura Refinery and Neighboring Regions


  • abbas majeed anad Department of Atmospheric Science, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University
  • Monim H. Al-Jiboori Department of Atmospheric Science, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University
  • Ahmed F. Hassoon Department of Atmospheric Science, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University



Effect of stability, SO 2 concentration, Gaussian Plume Model.


Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) is one of the most dangerous pollutants in the air. Most of the gas is
emitted from industrial sources, mainly steam power plants, which account for more than 50%
of it. Its consider toxic gas that cause irritating respiratory effects in this study the effect of air
pollution around Durra refinery and its neighborhood. Where adopted in the study. the data of
gaseous pollutants in the air (sulfur dioxide) were analyzed in the area south of Baghdad at
January month that is have high frequent of stability condition . The data provided by the
Ministry of Oil / Baghdad for 2017. In addition, the effect of air stability classes on the
quantities of this pollutant. The results of the study showed that the in atmospheric stability
class (F) concentrations of sulfur oxides is (54442mg/m 3 ) at distance 100m and (5127 mg/m 3 )
at distance 10000m were the highest in the region. Overall results show that the concentration
rates reached relatively high values during the stable and very stable atmospheric stability and
that the values for the month of January for sulfur dioxide were found to be high and are
inversely proportional to the speed of the wind.


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How to Cite

abbas majeed anad, M. H. Al-Jiboori, and A. F. Hassoon, “Simulation Effect of Stability Classes on SO 2 Concentration in Daura Refinery and Neighboring Regions”, Al-Mustansiriyah J. Sci., vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1–8, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.23851/mjs.v30i3.611.

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