Evaluation of Naïve Bayes Classification in Arabic Short Text Classification


  • Mohammed Fadhil Ibrahim Middle Technical University (MTU) http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4674-020X
  • Mahdi Ahmed Alhakeem Middle Technical University (MTU)
  • Nawar Abbood Fadhil Middle Technical University (MTU)




Arabic Text Classification, Multinomial Naïve Bayes, Complemented Naïve Bayes, Gaussian Naïve Bayes, TF-IDF


In the last few years, and due to the vast widespread of social media applications, texts have become more important and get more attention. Since texts, in general, are carrying a lot of information that can be extracted and analyzed. Several researchers have done significant works in text classification. Within different scripts such as English and other western languages, several challenges and obstacles have been addressed with such a field of research. Regarding the Arabic language, the process is different from other vital languages since Arabic is considered an orthographic language that depends on the word shape. It is not easy to apply the standard text preprocessing techniques since it affects the word meaning. This paper evaluates Arabic short text classification using three standard Naïve Bayes classifiers. In our method, we classify the thesis and dissertations using their titles to perform the classification process. The collected dataset is collected from different repositories by using standard scrapping techniques. Our method classifies the document based on their titles to be placed in the desired specialization. Several preprocessing techniques have been applied, such as (punctuation removal, stop words removal, and space vectorization). For feature extraction, we adopt the TF-IDF method. We implemented three types of Naïve Bayes classifiers which are (Multinomial Naïve Bayes, Complemented Naïve Bayes, and Gaussian Naïve Bayes). The study results showed that Complemented Naïve Bayes Classifier proposed the best performance with (0.84) of accuracy for the testing phase. The results of the study are promising to be applied with different short text classifications.


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Author Biography

  • Mohammed Fadhil Ibrahim, Middle Technical University (MTU)

    MS.c of Computer Science

    AI, Pattern Recognitio, NLP


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How to Cite

M. F. Ibrahim, M. A. Alhakeem, and N. A. Fadhil, “Evaluation of Naïve Bayes Classification in Arabic Short Text Classification”, Al-Mustansiriyah J. Sci., vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 42–50, Nov. 2021, doi: 10.23851/mjs.v32i4.994.

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