Determination of Heat and Momentum Fluxes Over Baghdad City


  • Mustafa Zihraw Mehson AL-Mustansiriyah University College of Science Department of Atmospheric Sciences
  • Ahmed Fattah Hassoon AL-Mustansiriyah University College of Science Department of Atmospheric Sciences



Momentum flux, Heat flux, Obukhov length, Stability.


In this study heat and momentum fluxes have been determined at Al-Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq, by using eddy correlation method. It is one of the methods which determines heat and momentum fluxes and it is considered direct and accurate. This method depends on high response instruments like Ultrasonic Anemometer (model: 1590- PK- 020) which is used in this study. Observation period is about 53 days for 24 hours in months June, July and August from 15/06/2016 to 06//08/2016 and the observations included wind speed and temperature every second. MATLAB program has been used to process huge data to calculate heat and momentum fluxes (H and ). The maximum value of H equals 127.6 Wm-2 in 10:30 at 26/07/2016 and minimum value equals -58.9 Wm-2 in 07:30 at 29/06/2016, as well, the maximum value of  equals 0.134535 Nm-2 in 15:00 at 03/08/2016 and minimum value equals -0.4649 Nm-2 in 03:00 at 01/07/2016. It is found that there is an inverse relationship between H and. Also maximum frequency of friction velocity at unstable conditions.


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Author Biography

  • Mustafa Zihraw Mehson, AL-Mustansiriyah University College of Science Department of Atmospheric Sciences
    Department of Atmospheric Sciences


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Original Article

How to Cite

M. Z. Mehson and A. F. Hassoon, “Determination of Heat and Momentum Fluxes Over Baghdad City”, Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 23–32, Aug. 2019, doi: 10.23851/mjs.v30i1.146.

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