Journal Policies

  1. Online First Policy

    Accepting manuscripts in Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science will be available online after fee payment. All accepted manuscripts will be assigned a DOI upon posting online.


  2. Open Access Policy

    Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science embraces an open access policy, ensuring that its valuable scientific content is freely accessible to all. This commitment promotes global knowledge dissemination and encourages collaboration among researchers. By providing unrestricted access, the journal contributes to the advancement of science and innovation. Authors and readers alike benefit from this inclusive approach, fostering a diverse and widespread scientific community. Open access at Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science reflects its dedication to the principles of transparency and accessibility in academia.


  3. Copyright and licensing

    (Starting May 5, 2024) The Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science (MJS) applies a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. This license allows authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.


  4. Plagiarism Policy

    The author should submit an original manuscript and an unpublished article to Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science. The manuscript must include a proper citation without plagiarism/duplication from previous studies. The manuscript submitted to Turnitin's plagiarism detection software before sending to the reviewers. Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science editorial board will reject the manuscript if the plagiarism score above 20% is detected at any stage of the publication process. In addition, the journal will not accept manuscripts submitted elsewhere.


  5. Peer Review Policy

    Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science (MJS) runs a double–blind peer review policy involving three external reviewers. Authors are not asked to suggest potential reviewers. In addition, authors are not asked to exclude individuals as peer reviewers. MJS provides a specific review report, however, a suggested format is:

    • Article Contents: Originality, Scientific value, Language skill, Quality of the Proposed Methodology, robustness of the results.
    • Comments for authors: Major issues and Minor issues.
    • Comments to editors: state the strengths and weaknesses of the review.
    • Decision: Accepted, Revision Required, Rejected.


    In case a reviewer believes that will not be eligible to review the submission, it is highly recommended and appreciable to apologize for accepting the invitation. The reviewer report should comprehensively critique the submission and consist of much more than a few brief sentences. Manuscripts under peer review should be strictly confidential. Reviewers must not share manuscripts or discuss their content with anyone outside the peer review process. If a reviewer decides to reject the paper, a few reasons why the submission has been rejected, its major shortcomings, and perhaps a few suggestions concerning published work on the topic. Information on the peer-review process can be found on the Peer Review Process.


  6. Advertising policy

    Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science (MJS) does not contain, accept, or rely on any papers that are commercially supported. Any item or service that is identified as advertising or that is sponsored in the publications is not endorsed by the journal.


  7. Direct Marketing policy

    Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science may inform readers about newly published articles by the journal using indexing websites and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, and others. Nonetheless, there is no direct marketing or advertising for specific businesses or people in the publication.


  8. Revenue sources

    The primary source of revenue for the journal primarily comes from the fees paid by authors for publishing their articles. Additionally, the College of Science provides financial support to sustain the journal. Another significant source of income is derived from the fees associated with conferences hosted by the journal. These conference fees contribute substantially to the financial viability of the publication.


  9. Privacy Statement

    The information provided on this journal site, including names and email addresses, will solely serve the designated purposes of this journal and will remain inaccessible to any other entity or for any other objectives.


  10. Archive Policy

    Digital Archiving: Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science is an open-access journal, which allows access to all published papers on its website without any charge. Also, the published papers in the journal are archived in the following archive system in Iraq:

    These services allow to create of an advance searchable index of journal archives and keep a record of all the open-access archives of the journals of the University of Baghdad and other Iraqi journals that contain information on a broad array of subjects with multidisciplinary knowledge to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content and increasing the availability of scholarly communication.

    Backups: MJS implements an additional backup policy to protect against data loss.
    Onsite Backup: The onsite full server backups provide disaster recovery options to help protect against data loss or corruption. Onsite backups are run daily by the host and retained for 7 days by default. The backup is performed on the main hosting server hetzner, and on the substitute hosting server ovh.
    Remote Backup: MJS ensures 7-days backup of the OJS database and daily backup of the cPanel for disaster recovery.


  11. Publication Charge Policy
    1. Publication charge policy and waiver policy statement

      Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science operates as an open-access publication, meaning that there are no fees associated with subscribing to it. Authors are only required to pay a publication fee of $100 (150,000 IQD) for the publishing service once their manuscript has been accepted for publication. This fee applies to a single accepted manuscript that spans (two columns, 8 pages). It's important to note that this fee does not influence any editorial decisions, and there are no charges until the manuscript is approved for publication.
      According to the World Bank's classification by income level, no fees are mandated for developing countries or those classified as low-income countries, as per the journal's waiver policy statement.


    2. Article Processing Charges (APC):
      • Local Author(s):
        Authors from Iraq are required to pay a publication fee of (150,000 IQD) upon the acceptance of the manuscript.
      • Foregin Author(s):
        Foreign authors are required to pay a publication fee of ($100) upon the acceptance of their manuscript.