
  • Hassony J Abdulla Biology Department, Al-Farabi University College



This investigation has been conducted to study the manifestations of climate change in Baghdad area. The climate in Baghdad is recognized as hottest in late June , all July and early August The average surface temperatures of the , asphalt depicted warmest surface temperatures, followed by the pavers, concrete, grass and Air. These were were 64.1, 62.0 , 57.8, 49.7 and 49 C°respectively.. The vegetation is the lowest temperatures of all materials. The comparison between air temperature and other materials. asphalt , pavers, and concrete were highly significant at the 0.01 level, The harsh climate ( climate change ) has effected the common plant that grow in Baghdad such as Bitter orange ( Citrus aurantium ) , the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera.) , Chinese thuja shrub ( Platycladus orientalis) and also has effected land . Iraq climate was affected by global climatic change.


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How to Cite

H. J. Abdulla, “MANIFESTATIONS OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN BAGHDAD AREA”, Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 39–42, Jan. 2020, doi: 10.23851/mjs.v30i4.657.